

My new but temporary office. My new but temporary desk. On top of it is my Samsung laptop, my temporary workstation.

Will be moving to a new office. Will be fitting out new furniture. About to purchase a Macbook Pro for my new workstation.

Nothing permanent really. Ain’t it?

Thank You Lord.

BTW, that’s my colleague, not Sadako. LOL

Dubai 2012

At exactly 0:00 of the year 2012, the fireworks started lighting up the Dubai Skyline that lasted for more than 8 minutes. The tallest fireworks in the world was presented by the tallest skyscraper in the world, Burj Khalifa. An amazing visual treat set in the heart of downtown Dubai as it welcomes the 12th year of the 2nd millenium.

Thanks to You Lord Jesus for allowing us to marvel at this spectacular scene.